
Lightning Talk




Sponsor LT (Google Cloud Japan) Make your own coding companion with Codey

Speaker: Thu Ya Kyaw

Test with Confidence: A Deep Dive into Eliminating Flaky Tests in Python

Nisanthan Nanthakumar
Flaky tests are a common problem in software development that can cause frustration, delays, and even damage to a codebase. These tests may pass or fail inconsistently, making it difficult to trust the results and slowing down development workflows. In this talk, we'll explore the root causes of flaky tests in Python applications and provide practical strategies for finding, resolving, and prevent

Agrobot - Python based detection device for Agriculture

Niharika Vadluri
We all Asian come from countries where farming is the major source of living for most of the population. We have seen farmers toil endlessly under the hot sun to support their family. So, making their life easier was the main motivation behind this idea. It makes the farming process more efficient, smart and automated. Agrobot is a small bot that can navigate through the field and fetch data like

彩色をリードするイラスト制作実践フロー with Python

ひろさじ / Hirosaji
「絵師は、"頭に描いたイメージ"をそのまま"絵"にしている」と誤解している人は意外と多いです。 しかし実際のイラスト制作はプログラミングと同様に、最終的な成果物がどうなるか、完成するまで作者本人にもわかりません。 このトークでは、そんなイラスト制作フローの一例を引き合いに、絵師がどのように"頭に描いたイメージ"を具現化していくかをPythonスクリプトを交えながら紹介します。 昨年と一昨年のPyCon JPの発表では、イラストを構成要素に分解し、それらの役割を解説しました。 今回はその逆で、構成要素をどのように組み上げるかというアプローチの発表です。 特に『色』に焦点を当て、Pythonでイラスト制作をアシストする実例を紹介します。

How many iPhones does it take to ship a new Python version?

Chan Sau Yee
For people new to Python, it can be hard to grasp the difference between, say, Python 3.5 and Python 3.6. This lightning talk aims to conceptualise the effort it requires to ship a new Python version, by comparing that to the development of iPhone models.

How to study by making flash cards with Python

Sony Valdez
Part of learning is to train your brain to recognize what you're studying. One of the ways to do this is to use flash cards. In this lightning talk, I will show how I use Python to make flash cards, as well as tips on how to study efficiently.

London to Tokyo in Two Hours: A Visual Demonstration of How Python Helps Scientific Discovery in Enabling Future Passenger Rockets

Hassan Saad Ifti
In this lightning talk, I will show videos of analysed experimental data obtained in a wind tunnel at a flow speed of Mach 7, i.e. seven times the speed of sound, using Python. I will discuss how Python helps us discover the science behind creating reusable rockets that could one day allow us to fly from London to Tokyo in two hours.


glassmonkey (Shunsuke Nagano)
みなさんPythonのパッケージ管理ツールには何を使っていますか? pip? pipenv? Poetry ? 色々選択肢が取れる分まず導入時迷った経験の方は多いのではないでしょうか? そこで、今回は新しく登場したRust製の「[rye](https://github.com/mitsuhiko/rye)」を紹介します。 そこにはPython依存がないのを始め、Rustのエコシステムにインスパイアされた様々な哲学があります。 また、他パッケージツールで運用していた既存プロジェクトをryeに移行した際の知見もご紹介します。

Auto-evaluation of ranking model by LLM

Petrie Wong
Discover an innovative Python framework for automating offline search engine ranking evaluation using LLM. By enabling search engineers and data scientists to perform offline evaluations rapidly, our method minimizes human bias, accelerates evaluation, and optimizes ranking algorithms swiftly, leading to improved search performance and more relevant user results.

time to save CI time

Django CI Speed Boost: Achieving 90% Time Reduction. In this presentation, we will share tips for reducing test time in CI. Discover how to leverage test options and parallel containers to achieve significant time savings.



Sponsor LT (KAKEHASHI) Pythonでスナップショットテスト

Speaker: 横田直彦

Sponsor LT (Findy) MLOps導入とGPT活用ができるML組織になってきた話

Speaker: 笹野翔太

Sponsor LT: HENNGE

Speaker: Jasmine Yap

PyCon APAC 2023のWi-Fiを支える技術

PyCon APAC 2023のWi-Fiと配信を支えるネットワーク構成、機材、技術スタックの紹介を行います